Luke Viker - Pittsford, New YorkLuke is from Santa Maria, Ca and is now in Graduate School in New York. He has followed Kristin's case for years and he was the first one to correctly guess the password. Luke will pick up his brand new iWatch on Friday and we will post photo's here when he does. Thanks to all for your interest in keeping Kristin's memory alive. This is very importrant. The Explanation of the 6 Segments
Tim Davis & Cheryl Anderson
From February, 2016Two years ago I received a series of texts from a cousin of Paul Flores. She is 'FURIOUS' with the Flores family and she shared with me two incidents of Paul and his behavior towards females. One of which was a 10 year old child. This is published with her permission. 14th Clue...
Is Kristin Smart Buried in This Backyard? Neighbors and a Wonder Dog Say YesHere is the other major article published by Matt Nestel of the Daily Beast back in 2016. Matt is a seasoned crime reporter and has worked for several major metropolitan news outlets covering crime. I mention this as a way of making the point that Matt does not simply ask for a quote and print it - no - he doesn't trust anyone. He independently verifies everything he writes. 13th Clue...
For those of you who may have missed this article, it ran almost two years ago on this date - November 8th, 2016. Matt Nestel did a great job in tracking down past victims of Flores' sexual assaults and these four women shared their personal accounts. Flores has never been charged in any of these accounts, let alone being charged with any connection to Kristin's disappearance. Solve the board below - win the Apply iWatch Series 4...First one to 'crack the code' wins. If you win and are local to SLO - we'll meet you at the Apple Store. If you are out of town - we will Fedex overnight your watch. Good Luck. Finally - I realize most of you understand - but just to be thorough: This is not about winning an iWatch - it is all about showing human concern for a young co-ed who can no longer speak for herself through absolutely no fault of her own. Having Kristin in our lives honors us all. 12th Clue...
The Clark Center for the Performing Arts...***Video taken be Kristin Supporter over a year ago. The message below confirms that Flores is still with the Clark Center. Just this week, I received this message from a Kristin-Supporter who was at the Clark Center for the Performing Arts recently. For those of you that don't know, Reuben Flores, Paul's father, is an Usher at the Clark Center. This is the same guy who told a Verizon contractor that 'Kristin deserved to die'. Reuben worked at Verizon back in the day. The people who run the Clark Center are well aware of who Flores is yet they still allow him to be an Usher at their facility.
11th Clue
It may in fact be true...
Basically, that's the story. At least that is the story as we know it. It may be true nd I will give you (in my dopey opinion, anyway) why I think it may be true: St this time, Cheryl and Tim were just young kids. A missing college co-ed is no joke. They are now caught up in a major case and this is the 'Big Leagues' that they find themselves in. All of a sudden, Final Exams don't seem that important. Next - now they are sitting down with FBI Agents who are 2X - 3X their age and that has to be very intimidation. My own sense of reality tells me that these kids are not going to lie to Professional Law Enforcement Investigators. That makes sense, right. But with that said, there is another side to this story that makes me wonder. Another Version
The '26th' character is the actual character. The audio clip mistakenly says '25th'. I made a mistake but just double-checked. The audio says '25th', but it should be the '26th' character, The board above is correct. Audio Clip of David Smallwood explaining the 'Certified Cadaver Dog' issue.To my understanding, this is how I see this situation:
Drivers License ExampleDavid went on to provide this excellent analogy:
9th Clue
All we are asking...We just ask the SLO Sheriff's Department to bring their own Certified dogs down to Susan Flores' property to see if they also alert to human remains just as Buster did.
This is not an unreasonable request. David Karp
Clue # 8
A Question in Need of an Answer
Some Context: Buster alerted.....
Why has Sheriff Parkinson still not brought his own certified dogs to the Susan Flores' property?This remains one of the HUGE unanswered questions in this very sad 22 year long sad ordeal. 7th Clue
Dennis MahonFriend of Kristin's since 1997. ArchivesCategories |